Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bumpy Roads, Braised Beef, and Beer

From henceforth I will be referring to myself by my trailname, Catnip, and Robb will be Wheels.

I am sitting in the lobby of the Amicalola Falls Lodge in Dawsonville, GA. It is just past 6am, the morning of our first day on the trail. We arrived around 6pm yesterday after following a very, very stupid Google Maps bypass option that ended up taking us an hour up a rocky dirt road that nearly tore the bottom off of Wheels' parent's sedan. But with Wheels' skilled driving, we made it back to the main road and got to the State Park only an hour later to enjoy the braised beef buffet and a few choice local brews.

Wheels and I made a final gear inventory and reloaded our packs.  Thrice.  Each time there was some new discovery regarding what gear can be shoved into a different compartment to make the system a little more manageable.  Each time we figured "eh, we probably won't need that."

Internet connection at the Lodge is spotty at best, but I guess it's merely a preview of what's the come. We took a short video which I will try to upload but we are planning to hit the trail in roughly 25 minutes so I can only do as much as time allows.

With the nervous excitement that I can only compare to the morning of a marathon, I'm Catnip, signing out.

Catnip & Wheels
Mission Time: -00d:00h:20m:32s


  1. We loved watching the GPS tracker today! You guys really got off to a great start! Hope those feet recover for tomorrow's journey.

  2. Wheels? Like the handicapped kid from the Burger King Kids Club?
